Smiling … is very important

Smiling … is very important

Smiling is an easy language. Every body knows it and it doesn’t have to be translated. Your real smile is your tickect to win a persons heart. It has many different benefits and it is the most beautiful thing in life. It doesn’t take a lot of time just with a blink of an eye.

First of all, many studies show that when the person becomes nervous his face will be full of wrinkles which will cause old age. Also , it shows that the smiling decrease the quantity of wrinkles. Smiling lifts the face and makes you look younger. The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person apper younger. Don’t go for a face lift, just try smiling. Also there are different types of smiles. One kind of smile that it stays memorable. Another kind is dazzling.

In addition, smiling has psychological benefits. Smile protects against depression, causes the nerves and leaks the psychological pressures of life. Smiling changes your mood. Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There is a good chance your mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood. Also, the stranger you graced with your smile may go on to pass the kindness to someone else. Who knows how far your original smile will travel ..?

Lastly, smiling has also physical benefits. The smile is a kind of preventive treatment for disease. It has a positive effect on the body. Smile relieves the nerves, heart and brain. It increases the body’s immunity and also strengthens memory. Anger and emotion of the nerves increases the exposure of cholesterol, ulcers, headaches and pains. When you smile you move a 17 muscles only but when you get angry you move 47 muscles of the body muscles. Smiling lowers your blood pressure. When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure.

Smile is important in life. It is amazing in many ways. When you get angry just try to smile you will see that your mood will change. You can gain friends when just smile. You can affect people only when you smile. So , you must smile as possible as you can .

Thank You very much

the most important word in english class

السلام عليكم
لوسمحتوا ممكن اي احد يساعدني اوتساعدني ابغى اعرف اهم الكلمات الانجليزيه المستخدمه في حصص الانجليزي
غشان ورايا تربيه عملي
ادعولي ربي يسهلها


صباح الخير… Good morning

كيف الحال ؟. …?How are you

كم عمرك ؟… ? How old are you

هلا ساعدتني من فضلك.. could you help me, please

شي جميل ورائع جدا……..something fantastic and wonderful

تكلم بوضوح….. speak up

إرفع صوتك… Raise your voice

كن هادئاً…. keep quiet or be quiet

انظر هنا….. Look at here

ما المشكلة ؟… what is the problem?

بالتوفيق أو حظاً سعيداً… Good Luck

هل فهمتم الدرس ؟…. Have you understood

أرفع يدك… raise your hand

في الدرس الماضي تحدثنا عن…. last lesson we talked about

ممتاز…. Excellent

جيد جداُ….. Very good

أعطني مثالا… Give me an example

ما معنى…. What is the meaning of

قم و أجلس ….stand up & sit down

هل هناك اي سؤال؟….. ?is there any question

انتبهوا معي…. pay attention

اقلب الصفحة الى … turn to page

توقف عن الكلام… stop talking

هل تسمعني ؟…. ؟can u hear me

اللي في الخلف… in the back

اغلق الكتاب… close the book

ممنوع اللبان… no gum

التزمو الصمت… keep silent

لا تنام خلك معاي…. Don`t sleep be with me

من يستطيع ان يجاوب… who can answer

من يقرأ؟… who can read

من يكمل… who can complete

من يقدر يصحح الاجابة ؟…. who can correct؟

اقلب الصفحة التالية…. turn to the next page

استمع اليّ… listen to me

كرروا بعدي…. repeat after me

انظر هنا …Look at here

ما المشكلة ؟…. what is the problem؟

هل فهمتم ؟… ؟Have you understood

ضع القلم… Put down your pens

امسح السبورة لو سمحت… clean the board please

لماذا كنت غئبا بالامس ؟.. .؟why were you absent yesterday

هدوء لو سمحت…. Be quiet please

كم التاريخ اليوم ؟…What is the date today؟

هل حليت الواجب؟… ؟Have you done your homework

اعطي زميلك فرصة… give your friend a chance

فكرة رائعة!!!….Great Idea !!

أحسنت!.. ..Well done !

هذا صحيح .. That’s Right

من الطالبة الذكية التي تستطيع الاجابة على هذا السؤال ..؟
؟ who is the clever girl who can answer this question

لاتكوني خجولة… Don’t be shy

اجابتك غير صحيحة..

your answer is not right

لا تغشي No cheating


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