Adjectives الصفـــات في اللغـة الإنجليزية

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اليوم جايب لكم الصفات بس شرح مطول شوي وانا اصلا كنت شوي sleepy بس سامحونا واللي عنده اضافات يفيدنـــــــا الملف مرفق


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اليوم جايب لكم الصفات بس شرح مطول شوي وانا اصلا كنت شوي sleepy بس سامحونا واللي عنده اضافات يفيدنـــــــا الملف مرفق

أضيف عندما تعرف هذه الأمور أصبح من السهل عليك أن تقوم بالمقارنة باستعمال
as + adjective + as
Ali is as old as Muhammad
Huda is as tall as her brother
A lemon isn’t as sweet as an orange

والصفـــــات تكون are always singular ولا تجمع أبدا فقط ماتوصفه يجمع nouns

وين الإهتمـــام وين الردود ككككككككككككك
thank u
Allah give you the health and hale
ويلكمــــــــــو مـــــــــــــــــــلاكــ وياكـ الصحه والعافية ان شاء الله
أفا وين أبو فارس مامر ؟؟؟؟؟ نبي تحليلكــ
thanks my friend
thanks my friend

العفــــــــــــــــــــــو مدفعجي شكرا على مروركـ وتقبل تحياني

بوربوينت درس Adjectives ending – in لمنهج flying 5 لعام ـهـ

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
يسرني ان انقل لكم
بوربوينت درس Adjectives ending – in لمنهج flying 5 لعام ـهـ
جزى الله من اعده خير الجزاء

Adjectives( comparative and superlative

There are three kinds of Adjectives:
1- Long adjectives
Which have more than 6 letters or which include more than one syllable such as expensive
To make a comparitive form from this kind of adjectives we use
more + long adjectives+ than
more expensive than
As for superlative form .We can write
the most+ long adjective
the most expensive
Short Adjectives

These adjectives consist of less than 6 letters such as old/ small/
To make a comparitive form from this kind of adjectives we
use short adjectives+ er+ than
older than
As for superlative form .We can write
the + short adjective+est
The oldest
Irregular adjectives
They are completely changed

good better than the best
far further than the furthest
little less than the least
many more than the most
bad worse than the worst

Thank you my brother

This study in the third grade of secondary

God bless you

It is very clear

good, very informative, and to the point. i like that. see, now why can’t our books be all like that? 
thank you for these informations
i have aquestion about (irregular adjectivse)

there is just three examples in the students books
is there a reason for that

thank you again

what about HEALTHY
medo 9898
what about HEALTHY

healthier- the healthiest