Beginning of school tips

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

حبيت اشارك بموضوع اعتقد بأنه مفيد جدا لكل معلم ومعلمة بالنسبة للغة الانجليزية في بدايات السنة الدراسية
آرجو ان يحوز على اهتمامكم واعجابكم

Beginning of school tips

Remember that you will not enjoy teaching every single day.
· Begin each day by making a list of all the things you have to do .Resolve not to rest until task is complete.
· Strive for perfection in everything you do.
· Accept people criticism as an insight into your weaknesses and failings.
· Experience is the ability to recognize a mistake when you make it again.
· To bear ill -feelings towards someone else is more damaging to the bearer than the recipient.
· For your own sake, forgive quickly and freely.
· Whether you are a new or veteran teacher, there is a lot of work to get done every day. Organization and time management will enable you to get more done in a day.
Classroom management tips
No matter what grade level you teach, students tend to work better and be better behaved when they know what to expect. Implementing a set of procedures for various activities in the classroom will help your students understand what is expected of them during your class.

What types of activities should I have procedures for?

To start you should have procedures in place telling students what to do when they enter the classroom and before they are allowed to leave the classroom. Remember to be specific and list ALL of your expectations.

Morning Procedures
Other Procedures
1. Sharpen your pencil
2. Turn in homework to appropriate tray
3. Copy down all homework assignments
4. Complete warm-up activity on the board
5. When finished, wait quietly in your seat until the teacher begins class and gives instructions
· Learning centers
· Reading corner
· Reading time
· Writing workshop
· Labs (experiments, etc.)
· Transitions between activities
· Instruction time versus working time (I.e.–in groups, on projects, individually, etc.)
· Group work (collaborative teams)
· Research
· Computer
Remember: If you have younger students, make your procedures simply to read and follow. For pre-school, Kindergarten, and 1st grade teachers, use a series of pictures with words to help your students understand your procedures.

You don’t need to make a poster for ALL of your procedures such as going to the restroom, changing classes, going to lunch, walking in the hallway, etc.

However, you do need to train your students on ALL of these types of procedures so that they understand what to do and what you expect from them.

Take a lot of time during the first several weeks to practice these various procedures with your students so that they will remember what to do. If they don’t get it right the first time, practice the procedure again and again until they do. The more time you spend on this at the Beginning of the year, the less you’ll have to worry about it later on.

Is it worth the time it takes to practice?

Yes! Yes! Yes! If students know exactly what they are supposed to do and what is expected of them, the less likely they are to cause disruptions throughout the year. This means that you’ll probably have MORE time to teach than if you didn’t practice these important skills/ procedures.

Thanks our dear sister for the nice efforts here
my gratitude

v-good fantastic tips thank ‘u sis
.thank you alot for your effort

thank you for your time

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