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الرئيسية » تعابير اللغة الإنجليزية للمرحلة الثانوية

تعابير اللغة الإنجليزية للمرحلة الثانوية

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

هذه تعابير اللغة الإنجليزية للمرحلة الثانوية


الأول الثانوي

My Friend

My friend is Ahmad.He is sixteen years old. He is Saudi. He comes

From Riyadh.He went to Aseer Intermediate school .Now, he goes to Al-Andalus secondary school .He is a keen bask ballplayer .He is interested in reading newspapers. He wants to have his newspaper business one day .

Going to school in Saudi Arabia

Most children in Saudi Arabia go to school from the age of six to eighteen . They go to three different schools. There are elementary school, intermediate school and secondary school. The school day usually begins at 7:a.m. and ends at 1p.m. There is homework every evening when pupil finishes his study, he gets certificate.


In the past ,people lived in caves. They were naturalplaces. These caves protected them from dangers .The floors were covered with grass .They drew pictures on walls.

Today, people live in modern houses. These houses are built of concrete .They are comfortable ,but they cost a lot of money.

وهناك موضوع العملة السعودية يمكن ان يحدد من الكتاب .

وبهذا يكون لدى أول ثانوي اربع مواضيع . فقط ,,,

الثاني ثانوي

Fighting fires

Fire is dangerous .It is dangerous because .It can start any where and extremely fast. There are many kinds of fires. They are chemical oil, gas and electricalfires.Fireman must be able to deal with all kinds of fires. They do not only put out fires, they also rescue people when there are accident .They also teach children about the dangers of fires

Accident in the home

A large number of accidents happen in the home. The most common accident are falls, burns, scalds electrocution, suffocation and poisoning.

Small children are very active .They put everything in their mouths play with sharp things. They put plastic bags in their mouths.

Mothers have dangers in the kitchen like burns, cuts from kitchen utensils and open tins .

The early Spread of Islam
Islam spread all over the world First, it was taken beyond the Arabian Peninsula in pease.The enemies of islam tried to stop its spread.

As the Muslims advanced to the north , they were met by the soldiers of the Roman Empire. Muslims captured Damascus then took Jerusalem.They defeated the Roman and Persian armies .They introduce Islam there.

Against the Romans in The North

As the Muslims advanced to the north, they were met by the Romans. In 634Ad, the Muslims captured Damascus from them .Soon afterwards they took Jerusalem .They finally defeated them in 636AD.

Food for Energy

Most of the energy for human body comes from two substance in our food .They are carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates are found like potatoes, bread, cereals like rice ,wheat, corn and sugar. Fats come from food like cheese, butter ,oil and meat .

Different Styles of Life in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has changed a lot in the last few years. In the past, people used to be farmers .they looked after their sheep .They lived in houses made of mud .They traveled by camel .they used to fetch water from wells. *****ng was on open fire .In the evening ,they used to sit and listen to stories told by older people.

Today , people travel by car .They live in concrete houses .They use electricity for *****ng and lighting .They go to school ant the treatment is free. In the evening ,they listen to the radio or watch television .


The earth’s atmosphere is becoming polluted because factories and cars send smoke and gases into the air .Also, aerosol sprays, plastic foam and coolants releases into the atmosphere .This pollution causes diseases in humans and damages plants and animals.

الثالث ثانوي


Water is very important in our live .we cannot live without it. People, animals and plants would die if they do not have water .water is used for many things .It is used for drinking ,cleaning ,farming and industry .About three quarters of the world is covered by water .There are many sources of water .They are rainwater ,seawater ,underground water and river water .Seawater is not good for drinking .It is too salty .About 90% of all the fresh water in the world in the Antractica.Finally, we can say that water is as precious as gold .


Conservation means protecting the environment. About 100 animal and plants species extinct every day. There are many reasons which caused animal extinction .The main cause of extinction is deforestation. Pollution of the environment, hunting and fishing also causes extinction. Sometimes, man destroys the environment by mistake. He cuts forests to get more land for farming .He also needs wood for fuel and building .In this way, he destroys the homes for many animals. What can we do to solve this proplem? We cannot re-introduce the species, which have disappeared. But we can start protecting some disappeared. But we can start protecting some of the creatures and plants, which are still with us.

Air Travel in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s first airplane was given the King Abdul Asia in 1945AD by the American president Roosevelt. Then, two more planes joined it. The Saudi Arabia Airlines was established in 1946AD.It had three planes. Saudi Airlines expanded very quickly .It got jet airplanes .It expanded its service .It opened more routes. Today, Saudi has more than 100 planes .The government has built many new airports. The biggest is King Khaki International Airport. Saudi has become one of the best airline in the Middle East .

Holy Month of Ramadan

Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam .All adult Muslims must fast during Ramadan .They are not allowed to eat or drink from dawn to sunset. Some people are excused from fasting. Those people are children, old and ill people, travelers and women who expect babies. There is a special night in Ramdaan .It is Lailatul Qadr .It is one of the last ten nights of Ramdaan .Muslims perform special prayer in the night .After the last day of Ramadan ,there is Eid Al-Fiter .During the Eid ,children wear new clothes and receive gifts. People visit friends and relative .They thank Allah for his great blessings.

Earth and Its Neighbors

There are nine planets in the solar system.Earth is one of these planets .It is a round solid planet. Earth orbits the sun. It takes about 365 days to make a complete orbit. These are the days of the year. There are 24 hours in a day. Earth has award surface. Water covers about three-quarters of the earth’s surface. Water is found in two forms. They are liquid, solid ice and vapour .It is known that earth is the only planet that has got life.we cannot live on the other planets. They do not have oxygen or water that are necessary for live.

Arab Aid

Some Gulf countries are very rich. They produce a lot of oil. They also produce more crops than they need. Gulf countries do not forget poor countries. They help them in many ways. They give or lend them money. They build them bridges dams, hospitals, hotels, irrigation canals, mines, roads, railways and sugar factories.

Gulf countries help not only Arab countries, but also non-Arab countries. They know that this aid makes friends. It is their religious duty that makes Muslims helps each other’s.

The water Cycle

The sun shines on the sea. Tiny drops of water evaporate from it. They rise into the sky and sometimes blown over the land. When the drops become too heavy, rain falls. Some of the water drains underground. It moves slowly hills over hard rocks to the sea. Some is used in wells and oases for drinking, washing and irrigating the land.

عـــوآفي يَ عسسسل ..

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